About Us

Kobisi is an e-commerce solution designed with a single mission in mind, offering web and mobile based software solutions since 2015..
“To make it easier for SMEs who want to do e-commerce to open e-commerce sites…”
By providing easy and understandable themes for this purpose, we support you to build unique online stores.
With a strong experience, we help businesses manage their entire online presence.
We are assertive in terms of trade, branding, customer loyalty and publishing, we provide you with the best service.
We continue to develop and grow a little more every day with our result-oriented, disciplined and energetic team of 20 experts who are always open to innovations and follow innovations.
We have signed thousands of sales. Our professional sales specialists have provided support to thousands of people 24/7 and continue to support them.
In this journey we started in 2015, we never forgot that our job is actually human and we did not compromise our values.